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The past week as been unbelievable! We did the impossible. We made it happen. The cave has officially been conquered.

We weren't going to let anything stop us this time. I made sure to pack 3 times as much first aid supplies. The cave seemed... calmer this time? The aura had shifted. It felt like as if someone were waiting for us.

I retrieved my camera along my descent. It felt WAY too easy this time. What was missing? What was trying to keep us out for so long?

And, that's when we finally heard him.

Nothing could have prepared me for this.

"Hey. How's it going? I'm Floyd."

I just stood there for a moment. I gazed into his eyes like a deer in headlights. He just kinda smiled at me. He looked like he had no thoughts, head completely empty. I began to realize the cave currently reeked of marijuana.

"...Excuse me?" I could not believe what I was witnessing. Who WAS this guy? Why was he hanging out down here so casually? And why was he holding... a toy top?

"Yeah. I live down here. It's been a while seen I've had company, haha! Slenderman was trolling 'round the place for a while and kept scaring away all the cavers. Doesn't matter anymore though. I just imported some new Beyblades, wanna go shoot a bit with me?

I watched him load his top into the launcher, and send it flying towards the round rock. Or, at least I had thought it was a rock. It appears it was actually a large dome? How on Earth I missed that, I had no idea. I stayed down there for a while and chatted with him. He was gone for a while trying to get these new Japanese toys he called "Beyblades". I will admit, they do see pretty neat. I was a fan of the teal "Seaborg", which he said was a fairly new release. I couldn't really get much explanation as to what the "Slenderman" was. I don't think I wanna know, to be quite honest. And, that was that, I finally knew. It felt anti-climactic, sure, but we had our closure. B and Joe soon joined us, and we played with the tops together and passed around a blunt for a while.

Here is a photo I took when I first entered. You can see Floyd's tops littering the passageway.


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